Saturday, May 28, 2005

Isle of Palms, SC

Today we went to the beach with a friend of ours, Melissa and her daughter Madison.

Madison truly loves the beach, sand, water, and everything! Here are a couple pictures of our little Miss Madison.

I LOVE the Beach! Posted by Hello

I LOVE sand! Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Jesus in my heart!

Today Madison put a little foam heart on her face. Then she told me it was there to remind everyone that she has Jesus in her heart.

How does she come up with these things?

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Movies Under the Stars

Tonight we went to Star 94 Movies Under The Stars at Tribble Mill Park to see Shrek 2. When we got there Madison said "there are no stars out here." Some stars did come out later. The movie didn't start until the sun went down, which was about 9 p.m. She stayed awake during the whole movie and had ALOT of fun! As soon as we got in the car to go home she was a asleep.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Church Picnic at the Park

We had a church picnic at Tribble Mill park this afternoon. Madison had LOT'S of fun! She played on the playground and got her face painted. By the time we left the park she had wiped her face paint off. But we did get a few pictures of her before that.

See my ladybug? Posted by Hello

Daddy's girl! Posted by Hello

Having fun with Kristin at the picnic. Posted by Hello

Friday, May 13, 2005

Weight Loss Update...

Most of you know that I have been trying to loose some weight. Well I have now lost 30 pounds since the middle of Nov. YEAH! =) I am so excited that I just wanted to share. I still have 27 more pounds to lose for my August goal. I need to put up my before and after shots (ha ha).

Monday, May 09, 2005

Happy Birthday Joe!

Happy Birthday Joe Dad (as Madison calls you). Hope you had a great day! We miss you in Atlanta!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Anniversary Trip to Charleston, SC

Steve and I celebrated our 9th Wedding anniversary on May 4th. So went to Charleston for the weekend. Steve had been wanting to do some hiking, so went to the Palmetto trail. It was a 7 mile hike. We might have ended up doing 4 miles. I got scared off after we saw our third snake.

Happy Birthday Ron!! =)

I'm ready to go! Posted by Hello

Pretty flower we saw on the hike. Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Mother Daughter Tea

Nammy, Madison, and Mommy at a Mother Daughter Tea. Posted by Hello

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