Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Tonight Madison prayed for Jesus to be her "Center Life". It was so cute. And then she said "amen and be Aunt Eden's center life".

Musik Garten Classes

Madison started Natalie's Musik Garten classes today. Her best friend McKenna also is in her class. They were so cute dancing together! I wish I would have video taped it. The class was really good and Madison really loved it. She keeps asking me to sing the songs we learned at the class.

Monday, June 13, 2005


This week we have VBS at our church. We are doing the Construction Zone Building Character like Jesus. We have a 2 and 3 year class this year, so Madison is be going. She really enjoyed it tonight. I will try and get some pictures up this week of her at VBS.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Happy Birthday Nammy!

Madison gave Nammy a Birthday Party! Posted by Hello

Happy Birthday Mom! We love you! Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 02, 2005

First swimming lessons...

Madison started swimming lessons this week. She seems to like it so far. Today she learned to blow bubbles and she jumped off the side. Here are a few pictures...

 Posted by Hello

Look at me go! Posted by Hello

learning to swim Posted by Hello

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