Sunday, August 28, 2005

Madison's 4th Birthday Party!

We had Madison's birthday party today at Angus Valley Stables. She we scared to ride so I ended riding with her. Here are some pictures from the party...

Madison and Doc. Posted by Picasa

Madison feeding Doc. Posted by Picasa

Make a wish! Posted by Picasa

Mommy & Madison riding together. Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 26, 2005

Home from the beach :(

We just got home from a week at the beach with are good friends the Mooney's. We had a great time while there. Steve rented to kayak for 3 days and we all enjoyed it. Madison LOVED the kayak and always wanted to go see the jelly fish in it. Steve bought himself a saltwater fishing pole and did some fishing. He saw a shark while fishing and then a little later Amy and I saw a very small one (we think it was a nurse shark) come right up to the shore to try and get a dead fish from a crab. Madison was in the water just a couple of feet from the shark. Thankfully God was looking out for all us! Here are a few pictures from the trip.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Beach Pictures!

Madison and her best friend McKenna Posted by Picasa

Beach Babe! Posted by Picasa

Daddy & Madison Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Weight Loss Update!

Okay, here is my weight loss update... I've lost 54 pounds and 38.3 inches since Nov. 2004. Someone said that I should put before and after shots up so here they are...

Before and After pictures!

Before... Posted by Picasa

and After Posted by Picasa

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