Wednesday, December 28, 2005


On Christmas Eve Madison turned us into the candy cane family! She went around hanging candy canes on everyones ears. Posted by Picasa


G-Dad had to put his teeth in for this picture! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Busy Day!!

We had a very busy day today. Madison and I have been gone all day! Went to Cracker Barrel for a late breakfast this morning, then went to The Cottage and met some friends for Tea with Santa. After that Madison and I finished up our Christmas shopping. On the way home I spotted a cute little place for kids to get haircuts. So we stop and got her hair cut. We made it home about 5pm. Here are some pictures from our BUSY day!


Santa baby! And the baby gets its picture with Santa too. Posted by Picasa


Picture of Santa,Madison, and friend Chelsea at the Tea with Santa. Posted by Picasa


Picture of Madison and Mommy at the Tea with Santa. Posted by Picasa


Madison getting her haircut today at YAMS (haircuts for your sweet potatoes). She really enjoyed this haircut! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Visit with Santa Claus


Over the weekend Madison got to go see Santa. She told him that she wants a new Karaoke machine because hers is broke. This was news to me. I think I need to start waiting to buy her christmas until she visits Santa Claus.

Madison told Nammy after seeing Santa Claus that he was the real Santa because he didn't have a stick on beard. Posted by Picasa


Madison and McKenna visit with Santa. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 08, 2005

20 weeks! 20 more to go!


We are half way there! Yeah!! Can't wait for April! Posted by Picasa

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Ready for Christmas??


Steve's deer is ready! Posted by Picasa

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