Monday, January 16, 2006

Another girl!


We went to the Dr. on Friday and they told us we are having a girl. Madison went with us, she was so happy!! She really wanted a little sister. Here is a picture of her profile. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Biking, Food, and Stuff...

Sunday we found the Savannah Rapids Visitor Center , which Steve had been looking for since we moved. Its part of the Augusta Canal. It was so pretty there! It reminded me a lot of Savannah (which is my favorite city), because all the trees had moss hanging in them just like Savannah. This is the only place around the Augusta area that I have seen moss in the trees. There is a bike trail along the Savannah River from the Savannah Rapids visitor center to downtown Augusta. I thought for sure Steve was going to take us home and go his bike and go back, but he didn't. I'm sure he will be biking there soon!! To any of our friends that bike, bring your bike when you come visit us!! This was such a neat place!

Steve came home from work last night and said lets go out for dinner tonight. I didn't say no to that!! He had been telling me about this great restaurant called Bonefish Grill that he had eaten at in Madison, MS. We have Bonefish here but had not had a chance to go. So he took us there. OH MY GOODNESS it was GOOD!! If you ever have a chance to go to a Bonefish Grill do it! And for you non seafood eaters they have stuff for you too! I had the Tenderloin Portabella Piccata. But don't leave without having the Crème Brûlée, its out of this world GOOD!!!!!!

I think I will have to save my stuff for later, Madison needs me.



Madison learned to blow bubbles this week. I think she has been trying for a year now. Here is a picture of one of her bubbles. She is so proud of herself! Posted by Picasa

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