Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Our new home

We are moving agian! Just down the road this time. Here is a picture of our new home.

Marina went to the doctor last week for her 2 month check up. She now wieghts 10 lbs and 13 oz. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

2 months old today

Happy 2 month Birthday Day, Marina! Posted by Picasa

sweet little ones ready for bed Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Smiles :)

Smiles :)
Originally uploaded by shell_577.

started smiling at us on Monday.

lost ALL of her umbilical cord today. I think she might hold a world record or something (ha ha)

weighed 10 lb 5 oz last week

will be 8 weeks old tomorrow

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