Saturday, August 26, 2006

Madison turns 5

Yesterday I went and ate lunch with Madison for her birthday. They eat at 10:45 am. Now I know why she is so hungry when I pick her up from school! I made her class Candy-Topped Cupcake Cones. I got the idea from Amy. She made them for Mckenna's class last year. They turned out so cute! All of the kids and teachers loved them.

Today we had Madison's Birthday party at the pool. We all had a fun time swimming!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Marina 4 month update

Marina is now 13.04 oz. She started rolling over on Aug. 3rd. She loves to laugh at her sister!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Madison's first day of school...

Madison started kindergarten today. She loved it, but when she saw me in the pick up line she started to cry. When she got in the car she said "I started crying because I was so happy to see you mommy". She is such a sweetie!! She LOVES Spanish and she came home telling us all the new Spanish words she learned today. Some of new words she learned in Spanish were orange, I'm here, and head. Here is a picture of her and her teacher Mrs. Bullard.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Beach Trip 2006

We are back home from the beach. We were in a car accident while in FL. We are SOOOO thankful that none of us were hurt!!! Check out Derek's blog Lord Willin' and the Creek Don't Rise.

Here are a few pictures from our beach trip. And a picture of our car.

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