Friday, March 31, 2006

Freezer Meals

Yesterday I went to Dream Dinners and made up meals for my freezer. I made Chicken Mirabella, Parisian Chicken with Tomatoes, Garlic & Herbs, Flank Steak with Garlic, Rosemary & Orange, Parmesan-Crusted Tilapia with with Tomato-Garlic Aioli, Pork Roast glazed with Cola, Ginger & Lime, Calzones, and Pesto Cheese Ravioli. My mom came with me and help me put the meals together. It took us about 35 min. Since our family is small and Madison still does not eat much I was able to split a lot of the recipes into 2 meals. So I came home and put 11 meals in my freezer. It should be very helpful for when the baby is born!

My friend Rachel does freezer cooking and uses a website called 30 Day Gourmet. I'm going to try and make up some more meals for the freezer in the next couple of weeks. I found some recipes that were good for the freezer in the April issue of Southern Living that I want to try. If anyone has any good freezer meal recipes please post in the comment section or email it to me. Thanks!!

Oh my goodness those meals sound wonderful! I can't tell you how much I love having dinners in the freezer! I have almost depleted mine and need to restock soon. I just haven't had much time to cook. My stress level has gone down so much in the afternoons. It is so nice not to have to prep and cook every night! You will enjoy those so much after the baby comes! I hope you are feeling well! Not too long now!
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